I have the largest of the e200 series, and I tried to acess the music from on Rhapsody, because another family member already had it on our computer, but still only recordings show up. There are songs I want to get rid of, but it wont let me get to them. Everything else shows up, but for the songs it just says that there are no songs on it. I really need help with this, so if you know whats wrong or how to help me, please tell me.
Answer: I don%26#39;t use rhapsody so I can%26#39;t tell you how to remove songs from there. However, I can help you remove songs a different way, it%26#39;ll be easier too. (:
Connect your player. Go to My Computer. Open up your Sansa, Should be named Sansa e280R (if you have the largest one). Open it up. Open the folder that says "MUSIC". If you don%26#39;t see it, it%26#39;ll be hidden. To unhide this folder go to Tools (Located on the very top of your browser) %26gt; Folder Options %26gt; hit the "View" tab %26gt; Mark "Show hidden files and folders". Now you can see the MUSIC folder, it%26#39;ll most likely be a faded color. Open it up. Dig through the folders that you would like to remove songs from (Select the Artist %26gt; Album %26gt; Song, then right click delete).
For more information go here: http://www.sandisk.com/retail/default.as...
10th and 11th video under "Sansa MP3 Player" will show you how to delete.
Other how-to videos can be found there too. Additional ways to delete is also found there. It might be the files are hidden, so I advise you to unhidden those folder by doing this :
1. Open My Computer and check if the Sansa E250 is recognized
2. Open the Sansa E250, if you see the folder for your recordings click on the Tools
3. after you click on TOOLS choose folder option
4.Click on the view Tab, put a dot or choose show hidden files and folder.
5. click on apply then ok
and you should be apply to see your Music folder.
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