Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have an mp3 and I need to add songs to it. How do I do it? I have iTunes and I dont want to change

Is it possible?


iTunes will only put music on an iPod, sorry, but you will have to change. iTunes was desgined especially for the iPod, so either change your MP3 Player, or the MP3 program.

Change to either the software that comes with the player, or some universal one. unless you have an ipod then most of the songs off of itunes will not work for your mpe player your have to buy the itunes plus songs that cost 1.29 each intead of .99 each then the expensive somgs will play on any mp3 playr cuz they are drm-free Depends on the kind of mp3 (the brand). Its possible that you can use Windows Media Player and after you plug in your player, and your Media Player is showing all songs, just click sync. I don%26#39;t think iTunes works for any mp3 player thats not an iPod. Let me know what kind of mp3 player you have. yea it is possible, i have done it hundred times. ok 1st step make sure the songs u want in ur itune, r in .mp3 format. to change the format, goto edit, preferences, and go to importing. change to importing format to mp3 encoder. then go to ur songs

and left click on the highlighted songs and click on convert selections to mp3. then plug in ur mp3, open the mp3file on my computer. drag and drop songs from ur itune to the mp3 folder. good luck :) YES IT IS POSSIBLE but it cost more if you already purchase songs from iTunes. iTunes recently launched the DRM free songs but they cost more like $1.29. DRM free basically means the song can go on any mp3. The only problem is the catalog is not as big as the original iTunes and only certain songs are available due to greedy record companies and "musicians" but other then that it can be used and since you already have iTunes and if you had already brought songs off of iTunes then there is a cool featured that will allow you to upgrade your songs to the DRM free format. If you have any more questions just click on the link label iTunes plus on the right side of itunes. You can%26#39;t use iTunes for an mp3. Only the iPod supports the .m4p iTunes format. If you want to use iTunes you%26#39;ll have to do what the other answerer said and pay $1.29 for the DRM free music. (And most of the iTunes music isn%26#39;t available in the DRM free format yet).

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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