can a regular cd play a mucic video or does it need to be a specil cd
I believe that you have to have a DVR to record video on them. special cd
and u may have to download them from i tunes
x I have a video ipod..I%26#39;ve never put a video onto a CD, i%26#39;m pretty sure you need a blank DVD for that.
To specify a little more, a regular CD cannot play music videos from your can back up your videos onto a blank CD or DVD and store them as data, but the videos can%26#39;t be played on a DVD player once you buy them. Ipod videos from itunes can only be played by quicktime or on the ipod.
As long as the file size is small enough to fit on a cd (usually less then 700mb) then it can be played from the cd.
The only difference between cd%26#39;s and dvd%26#39;s is the amount of information they can store.
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