My iPOD was fully charged and then suddenly it switched off. Now it is saying Very Low Battery and I am trying to charge for the past 2 days. I went to and they said it should charge within 30 mins. Also, some of my friends said to reset the settings. How am I supposed to reset the settings when it is not working at all?
Thank You Very Much!
RESET is not the same as RESTORE. To reset, slide the Hold button to the On position and back to the Off position. Hold down the centre button along with the top (Menu) part of the wheel until the screen goes black.
This clears some freezes, but it won%26#39;t get a dead battery to work.
To Restore, you need to go to the main page of your iPod in iTunes. This will put the iPod back to its factory settings and erase everything on it, which means you should back up everything first.
It sounds like a dying battery though. If the iPod is still under warranty you can get it replaced. If not, you can pay for a replacement (very expensive) or get a battery replacement kit (much cheaper, and longer lasting battery). Or you can find a (non-Apple) service that will put in a new one for you.
Google iPod battery replacement and you%26#39;ll find online stores and maybe a service near you. send it in to apple. Plug it in the computer and go to your Ipod Options on I tunes and reset your Ipod. It will erase everything but it will restore all the factory settings.
If that dosn%26#39;t work your battery is shot. And you need to get a new one installed.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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