Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have an mp3 player and I have no idea how to charge it?

I have an mp3 player and the batterie%26#39;s died but I don%26#39;t know how to charge it. It has no battery place and no charger. The directions don%26#39;t say anything about it either. It came with a cable, a disc that converts files, and earphones. That%26#39;s it.


All you have to do is plug in the cable to the computer and mp3 player. plug it in it should charge automaticly on your computer what type of mp3 player is it? Ok, well the first question would obviously be: What type of MP3 player do you have? Some players have an internal battery that can only be charged via a USB cable to the computer, or an external charger - and once the battery dies, you must send it back to the manufacturer to replace the battery (for example an iPod). Others just require normal batteries that do not recharge when plugged in (for example SanDisk Flash Players).

I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll get a lot more direction from us if you could provide us with the make and model of your MP3 player. :) ok all u need to do is plug it in to the computer as if u were going to downlaod song-hope this works Try the USB port.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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