Also known as a terabyte is that true i keep reading it on tech websites and was wondering if anyone knew for sure. if so how much do you think it would cost?
As of right now, no it isn%26#39;t true, it is speculative. This is where people believe that apple is going to go. And they probably will, but they will have to release other sized ipods first as they build the technology to allow a terrabyte to fit on a very small hard disc. Right now, There is only a few terrabyte drives that have been unvield, and they costs $1200 to $10,000, way to much for the average consumer.
They will come out, but not for a few years I am sure.
For people making comments about not needing that much music, you forget, the ipod is now a video player as well. I am not sure, but that seems like an awful lot. almost too much. They could come out eventually, but right now 1000GB hard disks are both very expensive and very unreliable. At the moment the highest capacity/most reliable drive is 250GB. it has to do with the density of the platters. Besides they havent made a %26#39;small%26#39; 1TB drive yet. why would you need a terabyte of music though? Im pretty sure the world would implode if someone stored a terabyte of music in one little pod. Its a bad idea. Probley one needs that much music! you should check out this site where you can get it for free That is not true. The highest GB iPod that is coming out is going to be a 120GB 6th Generation iPod Video.
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