Can I convert these files so my stereo recognises the CD. At the moment it does not play anything even though the tracks are on the CD. I appreciate my stereo is a few years old.
(Laugh) Before making something unusual. Make sure youve got the exact thing in every steps youve made. It wont work.. hiya, i thought MPEG4 formats are video files rather then music? maybe tts why ur stereo won%26#39;t play, cuz ur stereo might only recognize WMA, MP3, AAC, WAV but not MP4.
hope this helps. don%26#39;t this u can convert MP4 to MP3 though I had a similar problem and bought a new DVD player from tesco for £29. Ask someone with a cheap new unit to try the CD for you. The old units are very tempremental. You have to convert them to .wav
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