Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have an mp3 player and my problem is my mp3 shuts off for every 5min wat should i do?


You don%26#39;t say what brand or model it is. A lot of the cheaper ones have problems. Trash it and buy a new one based on online reviews. See if you can get a firmware update. Get an Ipod or a Zune. Whatever suits you the most. is it still under warranty? if it is, return it to the store where you brought it and get a new one. If the warrant is expired, give the manufacturer a call and see if they can assist with the problem (i.e. telling you why it happens, how to get it fixed, how much, etc.)

what%26#39;s the brand and model of the MP3 player? im sorry but it sounds like ****. just throw it away and get a new one or an ipod or something.

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