Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have an mp3 i cant get songs on to it do you know how to help?

i have lost the disc and dont know how to do it otherwise can you help plz


When you plug it into your computer, your pc sees the Mp3 player like another disk drive. To this end, you simply need to open up My Computer then whichever it identifies your Mp3 player as and drag and drop or copy and paste as necessary. plug it into the usb, click on the icon, drag n drop 1. buy a driver for it


2. get a ipod cheapoooo

or what that guy said This is what i do.Plug your mp3 player into usb port.Look in my computer to find your player,it could be e drive.Now locate your mp3 files,right click on file,look for send to in drop down list.Now send your file to the drive allocated to your mp3 player.You will then see the file transfering across to your player. Try this = /transfer music/movies to zen

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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