like a case and other acsesories or extras you recommend
buy a screen protector, it will scratch very easily. get one of those clear cases, my sister has it for her black ipod, it looks pretty good. also, get some kind of speakers. i have a Bose sound dock. its really good, i recommend it to everyone. buy a white case because you might pick the black one up without the ipod.
docking station with speakers
decent headphones
car charger
a computer to upload tunes
stun gun to stop lowlife robbers A dock station
Extra headphones
Screen protecter (Its a little pice of sticky plastic to prevent screen scratching) I just came across a site that sends you an iPod for free! I%26#39;m ordering mine right now, going for the black one :)
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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