Thursday, October 22, 2009

I just got a new Mp3-Mp4/Video plyr.I never had one before.Which ones should I pick to make it work

this site has the best free stuff available. What is the deal with these things though ? I hear there is free music and all I want to know is where the heck it is. I can only find free truck bands for free.(bad Ones) what about any of these programs to alter the music or the other services on here they have. what would you do, and what stuff out of here would you pick ? If you know anyother places let me know too. I heard Limewire is the place to go.Are they any good ?


other option to get MP3 =%26gt;

and this is how to get it without membership

1. search %26 open mp3 link

2. On the media player (http built in) , right click %26gt; click properties

3. Copy that "Location:"

4. paste it back to your browser

Andi Ahdin

Indonesia go to and sign up... you will find anything there... limewire is good, but is mostly (well) illegal downloads, P2P is rarely guilt free :)

Limewire is also mostly Mp3 of low quality. Just rip from CD%26#39;s.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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