Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have two accounts on my pc. How can i transfer my itunes music from one user to the other?


find your itunes folder (it is usually in my documents/ my music/ itunes.

now right click the itunes folder and click copy

now in the top url bar copy and paste this: C:%26#92;Documents and Settings%26#92;All Users%26#92;Documents%26#92;My Music

now click paste.

now you may want to print this answer. because now you have to log out of this account and go to the other one. now that you are in open my documents and in the top url bar click copy and paste this C:%26#92;Documents and Settings%26#92;All Users%26#92;Documents%26#92;My Music

the itunes folder should be there.

now drag it in itunes

or open itunes and go file/add folder to itunes and find the folder.

i hope i helped When you click on and open your library there is a button you can click on to share your music. That will walk you through it. Put the songs on a CD. If that is possible. create a folder on the c:drive and put them in there. Should be able to access from both accounts copy the files to a flash drive.

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