it mite not be the fact that you left it in the sun, it may be that u left it out there too long and ir ran out of battery try charging it Take it to a local Apple Store. i just did the same thing hold the middle botton and the menu botton for a little while and it should restart otherwise go to apple and tell them that it broke they should give you a new one if its under warrnty. or tell them to fix it!! Good Luck!! if u have a plain ipod, not a nano or a shuffle, then this might work.
the ipod has a magnetic hard-drive, much like ur computer%26#39;s hard-drive. it has probably over-heated. the same thing happened to me too. i put the ipod in my freezer for 18 hours, and this cooled down the hard-drive, and i was able to turn it back on.
if its not a hard-drive problem, the battery may have died out. in that case u have to take it to a apple store where they can get u a new battery for the ipod. but first try putting it in a freezer, coz that wont make things worse, and may even save u a few bucks. put it on a flat surface
and hold down
menu nd middle buton (in middle of click wheel) at the same time untill the apple logo comes up nd leave it to restart.
works for me !
gd luck
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