and when i charge it it dosent go to 100 percent it just stays at 75 percent it dosent move up y is that? and sometimes when am charging it it stops out of no were and the battery looks fully charged and when i disconnect the usb cable it goes back to 75 percent of the battery y doesnt it go to 100 percent?
How is that possible? You said you just got a Sansa 2GB iPod? Sansa is made from SanDisk!
**iPod and Sansa is NOT even close to being the same thing. Might want to get your facts straight before they come out your mouth, because if you don%26#39;t get your facts straight, you get incorrect answers. Some people have already answered your question wrong because they think it is an iPod. Have fun trying to figure them out! ;) haha true.. Return it for an ipod. This site offers a free iPod video! It sounds like a scam but it really isn%26#39;t, I got mine in the mail the other day. Just thought I%26#39;d share it with you :) The Sansa mp3 player need to be charge for 3-4 hours only that is why it%26#39;s happening bec you overcharge the player.try doing a battery reset on the Player 3-4 hrs is the maximum charging time for your player. try discharging the battery (use it till it drain) then charge it for 3-4 hours it may do the trick.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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