Thursday, October 22, 2009

I just go a new iPod and i was wondering if anyone knew how to get my songs from my old iPod onto my


Use a program call Sharepod. It lets u copy files from your ipod to ur cpu and also back to ur ipod. Well if they%26#39;re on your old one don%26#39;t you have them in iTunes? Just use iTunes and plug in your new one. I don%26#39;t think you can do that..but I%26#39;m not 100% sure. just plug it in with that itunes up use limewire to get the one you don%26#39;t have on your computer than plug it in but u need to get the new itunes from you should already have itunes, so just transfer them to your new iPod like you did with the old one. use copy pod. it is really easy. Just select all the songs and put them in a folder on your pc. Then drag that folder onto your new ipod in itunes. Do this if your music is not already on your pc but is on your ipod. If it is already on your pc just drag the music onto your new ipod.

CopyPod - go to the store that you bought it at, and ask the electronics person If you had your music in your iTunes just plug your new iPod

If not download "iPod Access" to transfer your songs from your iPod to your PC

But if you have a mac download "Sentui" you should check out this site where you can get it for free

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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