Download the song, click "clear inactive" on the bottom, go back up to the top, hit library, right click and drag till all your songs become blue (have itunes open already), and drag the songs to itunes. go to the library of limewire and open up the explore on the bottom... go to mediaplayer or itunes.. whatever you use to download onto ipod and drag and drop that songs that you want into the library of that current spot you just opened up... Read your instructions. Go to library then explore.
Open itunes. Highlight the songs you want on your ipod Now click on one of them and hold the mouse and go onto itunes at the taskbar(bottom of the page). Then where it say "ipod%26#39;s name" put the mouse over that and let go of the key. DONE! well first of all limewire is illegal but anyway i know how. if you have downloaded itunes you need to drag your downloaded songs into itunes and connect your shuffle and WHALLA the way for you to do so is to go the foldr where your songs are located and open it... right click on the particular song you want, then look for " Open with" it should be the eight option down, and then select i-tunes...
there is another way to do so, you can copy the limewire folder, and copy into your itunes folder!
and then sync your ipod and it should update with the songs! Plug it into your computer, launch iTunes, then sync, or manually put them in.
Read the guide for a more thorough explanation. I also found this hard.
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