Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have too many songs in my itunes.?

i have 600 but my ipod only holds 500. how do i pick the 500 i want on my ipod??


you%26#39;ll just have to go through and pick out 100 songs that you don%26#39;t want as badly as the other songs. either that or buy a bigger ipod. i have a 30gig video iPod (kept replacing a nano until i finally got sick of it so just spent the $50 more and got the video one) and i couldn%26#39;t be happier. i am STILL filling up my iPod and don%26#39;t think i will ever be able to fully fill it up. Buy a bigger IPod u need a bigger ipod all you have to do is uncheck the songs you dont want on your ipod! then when you update your ipod the 100 songs you didnt want wouldnt go on your ipod. its not like your deleting them cuz if you ever change your mind u can just go back and check them again!

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