On the top of your Ipod there is a switch that locks the buttons on your Ipod. Switch it and then try. If that doesnt work plug it into your computer and the Ipod will automaticly turn on update and un-lock by itself. If you still have problems contact apple or see of there is any waranty still on it and switch it for a new one. Hope this helps.
ps. DO NOT THROW IT AGAINST SOMETHING like the others said!! you will make its condition worse and may not be able to have apple fix it or return it if they found out you actually did that to it!! Maybe the battery went dead? Turn the lock off? THROW IT?! hold down the menu and play buttons for a few seconds its probably either frozen in which case see if u can run the battery down and start again. OR it may be that the battery is, in fact, dead and u need to charge it.?
... failing that...u cud always whack it against something a few times!! the battery went dead with the lock on, plug it in computer it will fix itself go to itunes.com- they tell you everything you need to know. good luck! The answer is easy!!
UNLOCK IT! If the "Lock" button is not enabled and pressing menu %26 play doesn%26#39;t reset it (as it should) you may have to wait until the iPod battery drains completely (which could take a decent amount of time) and then recharge it. :( It%26#39;s hard to say - either way, Good luck...and I hope it doesn%26#39;t require a trip to the iPod hospital. :) Make sure that the hold switch is in the correct position, and then hold the menu button and the middle button down at the same time. If that doesn%26#39;t reboot it, plug it back in the computer. If it doesnt become active, go to iTunes and find "restore". Or try just charging it. There is more you can do in the root of the device, but that is an "if all else failed" move. this site will give you an ipod just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you%26#39;re broke but really want an ipod (like me).
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