Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have an RCA Opal m4002 mp3 player, and when i plug it is..the computer wont respond..what am i doi

I plugged the usb cable into the computer and the other end in and it says on the mp3 player that its plugged in but nowhere on the computer does it say its plugged in..ive tried lots of different ways about restarting the computer and everything..but i dont know whats there something wrong with the mp3 player you think or can i fix it by myself?


I%26#39;m not familiar with the mp3 player . . . did it come with an installation CD? If you%26#39;ve already tried restarting the computer, my only idea would be to try and manually install the mp3 player. Go to Start-Control Panel-Add Hardware and see if it will let you do it that way.

If you have multiple usb jacks, you may want to try another one . . . if you have multiple ones, they%26#39;re each considered a removable drive by the computer (e.g. one usb jack might be "Removable Drive E" while the other is "Removable Drive F." (You can see all of your removable drives/hardware by going to My Computer.)

Good luck - hope this works. :) I bought one and had the same problem till I discovered that I didn%26#39;t have the cord plugged all the way into the Opal. I had to push on it a little harder than I would have expected.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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