gOSH....Just got and IPOD nano....and OMG....I%26#39;m in love with it...anyone else love their ipod??....or any other music playe??r,.....gosh this is soooooo lame.....i%26#39;m losing 5 points to confess the fact that I LOVE MY IPOD!!!
I definitely love my iPod, but I%26#39;m not in love with it. We%26#39;re still friends though. i love my ipod too
its tha cooolest technology yeah, ipods are cool. But now the world knows the truth. I haven%26#39;t been sleeping well but now that I know that you have found the meaning in your life... I will be sleeping like a baby tonight! Thanks! Get a hold of yourself.
Sheesh! @_@ I love my Zen Vision:M. It%26#39;s the shiz. A total iPod killer. I used to have a mini, and they%26#39;re cool, until the battery dies out. Mine was shot in less than a year, but I used it a lot. Yep, ZVMs are the bomb. haha...it%26#39;s perfectly normal. I love my ipod too! they%26#39;re just so cute and tiny and can hold so many freakin songs! it%26#39;s like a musical miracle! I know how you feel. You carry it wherever you go and you never keep it out of your site. I even started treating mine like a baby when I first got it! Don%26#39;t feel wierd for even a second... It is a natural feeling! I know what you mean it%26#39;s great having a ipod only because i can listen to it on long drives in my car. The absolute best thing is that they are not like cds only because they NEVER scratch! i think that%26#39;s the best part. now i%26#39;m investing into getting a bigger gig ipod because i only have the 1st generation nano and there is so many songs i have that they can%26#39;t fit into the ipod. My nano is just best for running because they are not that heavy as others. love it! i have a black 60GB this site will give you an ipod just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you%26#39;re broke but really want an ipod (like me).
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