Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have an MP4 that says no files when i download a video on it?

i%26#39;ve tried many different ways to put videos on this thing but no use...

i%26#39;ve converted them to the correct format, followed all instructions but it still says no files..

i think the problem was that i deleted the folder (av or something like that) without there anyway i can replace it?

please help me!

Firmware verson



mp4 digital player is all it says so i don%26#39;t know what brand


yes it is bcoz of that

if you remember the name of foalder

then you can create a new foalder of same name try to reformat first your mp4 player, then copy the videos you want and paste them to the drive where your player is.. you don%26#39;t need to make folder..

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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