Thursday, October 22, 2009

I just got a mp3 player but i dont know how to put song on it?


Most of the time, you can right-click the song file, and click copy to the device... If you%26#39;re using an SD card, this will also work, but some players, such as the iPod, use a specific program to get songs onto it. download limewire. find the song u want. then stick ur mp3 in to the computer%26#39;s usb cord. done. if you are saying that you don%26#39;t know how to connect it to the computer all you need is a usb cord and usually a small one will come standard with your player then hook the small end into the mp3 player and the bigger end into the usb port which usually will have a picture that looks like three cords are coming out of one sort of and then it will usually detect it in the port.

but if you are saying you don%26#39;t know where to get songs just go onto limewire but it is really bad because it will give you a lot of viruses, but you can get like any song imaginable whats the name of your player, usually they came with their own software..

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