can anybody tell me
1. does this happen to you often do i stop it to repair it
its just one or the earphones stop working except when i wiggle th wire but any movement shuts em off
yeah it does, you could put tape on the connection to stopit
if you have paid top money for the earphones you could go down to a local electronics shop and purchase a new connection and cut the wire of the old connector and soldier the wires onto the new connector.
Or if they are are cheap you can just go and buy some new ones for a fiver Stop wrapping the wires to your earbuds tightly around your mp3 player. Those wires are not very thick, and too much stress will make them break. If you spent a lot of money on your earbuds, they should have come with a carying case. (Like the Shure and Bose ones do.) I would suggest using that case. buy a pair of seinheisser px100 headphones... Yes it happens to me, buy a decent pair..
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