Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just down loaded some music from gomusic,but now I cant find the way to copy it on cd`s.?

I cant find them on my computer,when I go into gomusic they are there in the archives,but when I downloaded them they were put in a temporary folder.I just cant find the folder.

Thank you,



Download the music, so now the music is on your computer. Go into the music application, jukebox or Microsoft media 11. Make sure the downloaded music file is located there or look in My Music. In the audio application there is a selection under "file" or tools, or Downloads. File will have a selection that says Create a CD. Just search tool menus until you find the selection create a CD or Burn to a CD. Make sure the CD is in the appropriate CD Drive, and click on the selection. You will get instructions from there Burn to CD.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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