Thursday, November 5, 2009

I have question(s) about zunes?

question 1:::ok i have windows xp right now, but are family is thinking about getting a mac...will the zune still wok with a mac??

question 2:::i have over 1000 songs on itunes and i never use windows media player..does the zune work with Itunes

question 3::: what are the price ranges on the zune

thnks for the info




#1-it is NOT compatible w/ a Mac.

#2-it does work w/ aac (iTunes format)

#3-all zune devices cost $250

it doesnt use windows media player, it has its own media player that comes w/ it on a disc, its called the Zune Marketplace.

i have one and it%26#39;s a joy to use and listen to. =) GET AN IPOD: ZUNES SUCK BIG HAIRY...B0lls answer 1:it will still work with a Mac. you will just have to transfer the files manually

answer 2:i%26#39;m pretty sure it will work with itunes. I%26#39;m not completely sure though

answer 3:you can get a Zune for $200 at Office Depot after about a $20-$30 mail in rebate. other places sell them for $220-$250

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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