please help... i tried creating a playlist but the songs wont copy from cd to the playlist... the songs did copy though to the my music section.. but i want to keep songs separated.. like i said i want different songs on each ipod. any ideas??
All you have to do is make two playlists. We do this because my daughter has an iPod and I have and iPod and we want different songs. After you make your two playlists, you can set each one to sync with the playlist that you want when you plug it in. two playlists
disable auto sync I think you can keep the two separate by naming the two iPods a different name each. When you plug in your ipod a little icon should pop up that looks like an ipod on the side of itunes that lists you playlist click on it. Then a screen comes up and you can selected specific playlists you want on your ipod. So make a playlist for one ipod and another for the other one.
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