Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just bought these earphones today for my ipod and the noise isnt clear, what can i do?

Do you know what i mean?.I dont mean that it sounds crackley or just sounds like im listening from far away, its not like the other earphones that are really clear and just go through the earphones?


Item (new earphones) are defective. To my knowledge, your best bet is sticking with iPod headphones. If you need new ones, then buy new ones. They are seemingly comfortable, in my opinion, I don%26#39;t know why you would want to switch. I%26#39;m guessing for style, but... Return them. There is nothing you can do.

This is why you should always test earphones before buying !

(You can mess around with the Equalizer on your iPod, if you want. Go to Settings%26gt;EQ. It won%26#39;t make much difference at all though.)

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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