Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just bought a brand new gibson les paul?

its a beautiful guitar but the pickups dont seen to work . the bridge pickup seems very flat and dull im just wondering what pickups i should install in its place


This one will rock the balls off your les paul... You should be able to get good tone with those original Gibson pickups. Try new strings first. Nickle Plated Steel (NPS) strings are most popular. Pure Nickle strings will give you a warner tone and chrome strings will give you more bite. Try adjusting the height of your pickups too. When pressing on the fret closest to the neck pickup, the bottom of the string to the top of the pickup%26#39;s polepiece should be approximately 1/8 of an inch. You can adjust this to your liking. A new guitar requires you to get new amp and pedal settings too. Set all tone control to midway and play. Adjust each adjustment a little until you find the sweetspot you%26#39;re looking for. I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;s in there.

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