Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just bought an iPod gen 5.5 video 30gb. What is the best case for this unit. I need something toug

I know many of ya%26#39;lll got one of these. Please give me a heads up as to what case I need to protect my lovely investment. I am not lookIing for a skin, I need some damn armor for tis thing! What should I get?! I am sure I will drop this, often! Help!


They have good ones here use the ipod link I ordered my case to I use an iSkin case which I bought from the apple store. It%26#39;s like a silicone case and it has an extra "shield" that you connect to the front. It%26#39;s kinda bulky but I like it because my iPod doesn%26#39;t have a scratch even though I dropped it like 100 times XD metal or aluminum case from Apple

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