Ok, so I%26#39;m trying to put videos on my 80g ipod %26 I%26#39;m downloading stuff on limewire %26 then transferring them to my itunes file...but what format do they have to be in to be on the ipod? Are they mp4%26#39;s? Do you have to convert them? I can%26#39;t seem to add them to the ipod..they%26#39;re in my playlist %26 I can watch them in the itunes file, but they won%26#39;t go into the ipod. HELP!
yep, you need to convert them to mp4, then add it to your i tunes play list. :)
here is a link to a converting software which is free, if you need it
http://www.download.com/free-ipod-video-... yeah you should convert the videos to mp4 first before you can upload it to your ipod. there are also converters available on the web. i%26#39;m using Jodix mp4 converter. you can try it too. you can search it in the web. if you%26#39;re thinking of buying an ipod you should out this site first. they give you an ipod nano for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
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