Thursday, November 5, 2009

I have problems with my Sansa e280! Help me please ):?

I%26#39;ve had this mp3 player over a couple months. The computer doesn%26#39;t read the it when i connect it. It worked before, but doesn%26#39;t anymore. And I changed the USB mode from MTP to MSC to see if it%26#39;ll connect on that. It still wouldn%26#39;t connect at all. So i unplugged it and it automatically goes to Refresh Database. And now it stuck on that "Refresh Database" part and isn%26#39;t going anywhere. It%26#39;s been like this for a couple days. Does anyone know what%26#39;s wrong with you? Is there anyway to get out of it? Help please )%26#39;:


Hold the power button for 20sec.

Install this:

If it doesn%26#39;t show up on your computer then I guess you can%26#39;t format...

Do a system restore and restore it to a date when your computer was working fine. That should do the trick. If not something is wrong with your player.

Sandisk support:

Email Sandisk : You need to go to the site and install the most recent drivers for it. / adding video/music to sansa /sansa support 2

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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