Thursday, November 5, 2009

I have some questions about the Apple iPod USB Power Adapter...?

Just for clarification, I%26#39;m talking about this one

When you plug the iPod into it, does the message "Do not disconnect" appear, as it does when plugged into a computer? (my reason for asking this is because i hate how it resets the position in shuffle)

Does it come with an extra cord? (I%26#39;ve heard it does, also that it doesn%26#39;t) Does that change from store to store?

Does the charge last as long as it does with a computer?

Is it worth it?

I think that%26#39;s it, I%26#39;ll add more if I think of anything

Help is appreciated



I have one and it worth it, especially if you don%26#39;t have a computer around to charge it. The cord comes with the power adapter. The message "Do not disconnect" does not appear on your ipod. A battery will show instead and it will tell you when it%26#39;s charging and a plug (if I remember correctly) to let you know that it%26#39;s fully charge. I never fully charge my ipod through my computer but the battery does last a long time. :)

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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