Thursday, November 5, 2009

I inherited a computer and I want to put my music from my ipod on this computer. How do I do this?


As far as I know, you can%26#39;t take music off an ipod, you can only add to it. I%26#39;m sure that there is some hack somewhere that will let you do it, but I don%26#39;t know. Sorry! u cant cause u have to erase everything its a anew computer a new library for ur Ipod

so u will surely have to erase everything from ur Ipod ! You need to download a program called Podworks, which will allow you to drop those songs from your iPod onto your machine.

Or, if they are on another computer, you can burn them to a disk and transfer them over.

Or, you can use a large flash drive to transfer the files.

Or, you can email them to yourself, if you have yahoo.

If they are Apple encrypted, you will need to burn them as audio files, then transfer. Or get Podworks! When you get into itunes, click on your ipod in the column to the left, and the list of songs on your ipod will come up. Highlight all of your songs and then click and drag the over the %26#39;itunes library%26#39; at the top of the column on the left. Then just check to see if it worked. if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they%26#39;ll send you an ipod, completely free of charge!! Buy tune tools for ipod. its a great software, you can even clone another ipod, fix errors, recover lost songs and more. its like $20. but its worth the price. On the newer Itunes 7.1 7.2 etc. When you connected to a new computer it should say restore and transfer purchases. And that will get all your songs off. Or go to file and click transfer purchases. join ipod to the computer and look for ipod files then u can take the songs from ipod to comp.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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