Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just bought a new iPod nano and I need to put all my songs onto it..but take my songs off my old i

I just bought a new iPod nano. I%26#39;m going to give my old iPod [nano] to a friend. I want to take all my songs off the old iPod so she can put her own songs on, but I don%26#39;t want the songs to be deleted from my library. How do I take all the songs off the old iPod, but be able to put all my songs from my library on my new iPod without me having to delete my songs? Help!


Connect the old iPod to your computer, when the iPod screen opens in iTunes, click Restore. This will return the iPod back to it%26#39;s factory settings, which includes removing anything that you%26#39;ve put on the iPod. Just give her the ipod with the songs on it.. then she can clear it herself which is easy and you wont mess up your library. Drag them all into a folder.

Delete them from your library.

Sync your ipod.

Disconnect it.

Drag all the songs back into the library.

Sync new ipod. get her to set up her own itunes when she connects her ipod it will ask to erase and sync her ipod to the new library.

You can connect your new ipod to your itunes and it will sync the your library to your new ipod give your friend your old nano and when she downloads her own iTunes her library will be empty and the nano should clear automatically or when the window pops up asking you to use current (empty) library. go to and download iPod2PC and then once you have that downloaded and installed, click scan Ipod and everything on your Ipod will show on there then click on what you want and make sure you have everything because sometimes when you click it to many times it%26#39;ll show it as not clicked and won%26#39;t copy it, but choose the destination to save it to like i put mine on the desktop into a folder and then they%26#39;ll all be in that folder. To avoid a lot of probelms you should just give her the iPod with the songs on it so when she syncs it they will delete.

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