I just bought an video ipod. Is there a way I can transfer songs from my old ipod nano to the new ipod video?
try manually putting the songs on your ipod yeah, just plug it in and it should automatically transfer the songs Yep, but you have to first transfer the songs from your old iPod Nano to your computer, then to your new iPod video.
http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/article... I%26#39;m pretty sure you can all you have to do is put the songs from your old ipod in your i-tunes which should be easy is you have all your songs in yout library or in saved files! So just transfer the songs to your new i-pod just like you old i-pod! go here:
I used it and it is great. Transfer all your songs to Itunes. Then put them on your new Ipod Video! I%26#39;m getting an Ipod Video in October! I can%26#39;t wait!! Tansee iPod Transfer can backup songs and videos in iPod to PC, copy iPod songs and videos to new ipod, computer or notebook.
How to Transfer Song from iPod to Computer
Some other useful information you can get on the official site:
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