Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just bought my wife an I-pod shuffle?

because she wanted music to listen to while she jogs and does aerobics. Any suggestions on what I should load onto it? Any good websites for legal downloading?


I would download some high-energy music that will keep her going. I do that for my girlfriend and she loves it.

I download all my music from the iTunes store and for legal music downloads. The second site allows you to pay by PalPal for security and the mp3s are cheap. You can download by song or album. Plus they give you bonus money for loading money on your account.

Also, you might go through her CD collection and let iTunes convert the songs directly into the iPod. You should put like techno or somthing with a good beat to get her pumped up to workout. Just use the iTunes music store it has almost anything. Limewire lets you download any type of music free. theres limewire

maybe her favorite artist or theres itunes is best. if you get music from another site, you will need to burn cds, and then copy them back into your music library or the music files wont work on the shuffle. LimeWire is a free file-sharing program where you can download music, movies, pictures, and programs from.

I also suggest buying her an armband for her iPod Shuffle. They sell them all over the place.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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