Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I unpluged my ipod while it was updating and now it is broken and i cant figure out how to fix it?

all the songs on my ipod deleted themselves and it wont update them back on and when i turn itunes on wiht the ipod hooked up to the computer all the songs update onto it but when ever i try to play one it skips through all the songs realy fast and then deletes them all off the ipod agian sometimes a message pops up and say scan and fix ipod so i click ok and then it just says it needs a disk but i dont know what disk it would need


You can re install the OS using ipod updater which is available in iTunes CD. you can find that in START-%26gt;All Programs-%26gt;(check for ipod updater), if not install it from apple web site.

Check this for more details and download :

Warning: iPod updater will wipe of all data from your ipod. Woah, wierd, you may have messed up your software in the iPod. Try putting in your iTunes CD and wiping the iPod clean. If that doesnt work you could always contact apple at; or .ca, depending on where you are... Make sure you%26#39;re using the latest iTunes software:

Try the "five Rs":

Reset, Retry, Restart, Reinstall, Restore

(try each one in turn and see if it solves the problem,

then move on to the next one if you still have the problem)

Click the link below to find step-by-step details:

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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