Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Tunes Plus?

I recently went to download the free single of the week from I Tunes, it offered me a freedownload of I Tunes plus, some DRM free (whatever that means) high quality audio format. Is anyone familiar with this?


It is nothing special just a cooler version of I tunes..If your computer dose not have a lot of room don%26#39;t down load it and if you are happy with this one just keep it.It will not have higher quality..for most songs....It will make the old songs on I tunes better quality...most of the songs you have will not be changed.If you have any old songs that sound bad down load it.I hope this helps..just keep in mind..It is nothing as good or as new as they want you to think DRM (digital rights management) free means you can burn it and play it on any computer. For instance, you can send the song to a friend, and he/she won%26#39;t need to authorize their computer to play it. It is now in higher sound quality but it%26#39;s really hard to tell the difference. I just clicked Continue when I saw that pop-up. I guess iTunes Plus is something more advanced that you pay for.

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