I just bought a phillips 1gb mp3 player and need to download a couple of songs that I don%26#39;t have in my home cd collection. I don%26#39;t want to pay a monthly fee, just buy a few tracks, i tunes is the only place I can find them for sale individualy with out signing up for some "free trial" and giving out all my info to who knows who, but I want to know if i tunes mp3%26#39;s will work on a regular mp3 player and if not where do I go to get just a few songs?
Your player won%26#39;t work with iTunes. The iTunes files are in a protected format that can%26#39;t be converted, and only the iPod supports that format. I%26#39;m pretty sure if your player plays mp4s then its fine. You could always pick up an itunes gift card and do it that way...get about 15 bucks worth of songs...
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