Why when i try to start up i tunes does it say I Tunes cannot run because it has detected a problem with the audio configuration
i already searched but i already tried all the stuff they said i tried reinstalling i tunes and quicktime but it just said the same thing can somebody please help
Reinstalling quicktime, not itunes, did the trick for me. I just had the same problem. Goto start %26gt; Programs %26gt; quicktime then click the quicktime icon, it may look stranger than normal, then it will reinstall itself and Itunes should work ok. Else download the standalone quicktime installer. Are u choosing the right operating system?? When u unistall, make sure u delete ALL the files from your computer, not just from the Add/remove section. After you do all that try reinstalling ensuring that your selecting the right operating system. Check your sound card.
It might be old and outdated.
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