I tried loading Itunes and it keeps coming up an error message. I have un-installed and re-installed it 3 times after that and did the repair to try to get it to work. Ive also downloaded an earlier version of itunes and it did the same thing..Anyone know why?
I%26#39;m assuming you%26#39;re using Windows as you mentioned repairing. Try uninstalling iTunes and Quicktime. Reboot your computer and then clear out all the files in the C:%26#92;windows%26#92;temp directory and your home directory. You can use "Disk Cleanup" in vista or XP to do this for you.
Then reinstall the latest iTunes software.
I%26#39;ve seen this happen when another program uses an obscure version of Install Shield or when Novell Netware stuff is on the computer. What does the error message say? try full un-installing, like search for anything iTunes related, but you music, or try to install from a different source.
use the search function and make sure u look for even hidden folders. i know i had some trouble with it, but if you don%26#39;t have high-speed internet, it will take some time. if it still won%26#39;t download, then maybe you don%26#39;t have all the neccessities for it. i know i made sure i had everything on my computer before i even bought my ipod.
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