Is there a way to get your library or playlist back off of your ipod onto another computer or the same one that crashed, and I mean all the songs including the ones I purchased, and also is there a way to redownload stuff you already bought on itunes?
This happened to me too. It may seen long and confusing but it works. I hope this helps you.
1. Go to the itunes website and download itunes again. I think the most current version is itunes 7. You%26#39;ll have to type in your email address and password. Use the same one you had before.
2. When you finish downloading, find it on your computer and click on it. A box should pop up after your itunes comes up. The box will get you to type in your email address and password. Use the same one you typed in when you downloaded it.
3. When you hook up the ipod a certain screen will pop up. Click the summary tab. Check the box that say manually manage music. Then click apply.
4. Go to my computer. If you have windows XP, when it pops up it should be under devices and removable storage. If you didn%26#39;t "name" you ipod it should show up as (E:).
5. Click on it. When this screen pops up click on "Tools" at the top. Go down and click on folder options. When the folder options comes up click on views. Go down to show hidden files and folders. Make sure the cicle with "show the hidden files and folders" is checked.
6. A folder that says "ipod control" should pop up. Click on it. 7. Next click on the music folder. Then it will go to a page with pictures of folders and things such as F04 beside them. They hold your songs.
8. Click on the folders and another page will pop up. Click on the music sheets and the songs will pop up in the library.
9. Continue this until you have all your songs in your library.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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