ok so heres the dealio.my friend and i have the exact same songs...so i charged my ipod at her house..then i come back home and all my library on my computer is GONe!! so when i try to charge it..it askes me if i want to erase and synce and i say no..then it just charges...so how would i put my songs that i have on my ipod..onto the library??? thanks anything helps! ?
Tansee iPod Transfer can backup songs and videos in iPod to PC, copy iPod songs and videos to new ipod, computer or notebook.
How to Transfer Song from iPod to Computer
Some other useful information you can get on the official site:
http://www.apple.com To put it back on your computer you would need to download iDump
http://www.download.com/3000-2169_4-1065... ok fisrt of all, u cant keep two librarys on the same time
even if u have the same songs
if u want to keep ur ipod with ur library, say erase and sync with ur library You can%26#39;t "steal" (as Apple likes to call it) and when you plugged into your friend%26#39;s computer your iPod reformatted to her computer with her songs.
I don%26#39;t know why all your songs would be gone - that%26#39;s a strange one. But to add new one%26#39;s you will need to reformat it to your computer. In order to put music from you iPod to your PC you have to buy a program from an online site or from a store. I have also heard that the iDump program is a good program for that.
The link is.
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