Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Tune Question?

When I plug my Nano to my home entertainment receiver, The sound quality is far from CD quality. It sounds very muffled.Is that normal?


Yes and no. It%26#39;s normal if the file is low quality. It%26#39;s not the iPod that determines the sound quality of the file but the bit-rate and encoding method used to create the file. In my opinion, anything under 192kbps sounds like crap, but that%26#39;s me.

I would take a look at the file itself on your computer and check the bit-rate. If it notes "VBR" (Variable Bit Rate) - or anything under 192, I would scrap it and get a better quality one - even if it means re-importing the song. :) you spelled iTunes wrong

try this instead

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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