Just load itunes on the computer then set the ipod into the data hard drive mode then connect it to the computer. then access the ipod as if it was a hard drive to copy the content onto your computer. then have itunes check your computer for new media. (this also works if you want to copy someone else%26#39;s ipod onto yours) Once you%26#39;ve got iTunes on your new puter, open it with the player attatched and click" File-Import" and browse to the player as a removeable drive, and click the playlist your music is in.
This will import that list to your new Library. First you open the music player of your choice.
then look at the top left of the screen and find the button "Files" and scrool down through the options and then click on import.
next you try and find your ipod once ints connected to your computer. look for my computer and click on it then look for
The name of your ipod which would be something like (your name)%26#39;s ipod
or portable drive
click on it and it should open up and then you look for the music you want to import and click on it you cant, you have to transfer computer to computer. back up your media to a DVDR(s).and restore on the new computer. or put your media on a flashdrive and transfer that way. I got a free iPod Video from this site. All I had to do was sign up and complete a few simple online tasks, and that was it! Highly recommended.
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