Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Need TONS of Ipod Help!?

Alright, I just got an Ipod Nano and I%26#39;m having Loads of problems with it. I plugged it into my computer, it acted as though it was there, it even showed a little Ipod icon on my itunes playlist, in short it%26#39;s working. BUT it gives me a message that says "Itunes has detected a Macintosh-formatted Ipod. You must restore this ipod before you can use it on Windows." What does this mean??!


I had to restore mine too. It%26#39;s no biggie. However, if you have anything on there and you need to restore it than everything gets erased. Just make sure to back up anything that you put on your IPod in case you ever need to restore it at a later date (I had to restore mine because I dropped it). call the apple store 1-800applestore or look at your manuel well click restore. it is formatted to work on Mac right now. mine was like that i had it on my Mac, then i switched to my windows, well I had to reformat it for WIndows.

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