Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I need to write an essay about a law or tradition in our society thats unfair...?

i need to write an essay about a law or tradition in our society thats unfair... any ideas


this new immigration Amnesty bill they are trying to push is extremely unfair The seat belt law. If your above a certain age like 18, you should decide for yourself if you should wear it or not. Some people get killed or seriously injured by wearing them. It%26#39;s not fair we have to and then get a fine for 55.00-85.00 for choosing to not wear it. If at age 18 you are an adult and can legally get married, buy cigarettes, and and tried as an adult you should be able to make up your own mind. How about abortion.whether a man should be able to make a woman have his baby instead of aborting it.

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