Iam sure that the counterweight and stylus are okay and that the problem may be with the usb transfer itself.It happens on every single record and as all the records are in good condition I find this confusing.When the tracks are transferred to cd the sound quality is very good apart from the irritating jumps on every single track.Can anyone help?
As a disclaimer, I have no knowledge of this unit. However, one possibility is that your memory is insufficient. Maybe the buffer capacity is being exceeded. If so, you could try closing all programs except for the player%26#39;s. You could also monitor the cpu usage using Task mangager and looking at the "performance" tab. Do this by clicking control-alt-delete at the same time (in XP) and it will pop up.
Here is something else I found in the link below:There is a learning curve,,If you have Windows XP let me give you some advice: Go into EDIT - at the bottom PREFERENCES pick your playback device,* RECORDING DEVICE "USB Audio CODEX" * CHANNELS "2 Stereo" and click the 2 check boxes at the bottom. DEFAULT SAMPLE RATE "44100Hz" * DEFAULT SAMPLE FORMAT "32 Bit Float". Check the driver settings for the turntable. If the skips happen on every single record its unlikely to be the turntable itself, just dodgy communication between the deck and computer. Sorry but you get what you paid for. And you bought trouble.
Try and get your money back (save if you have to) and buy a decent brand. Remeber to check professional reviews before buying.
The answers post by the user, for information only, CeQnA.com does not guarantee the right.
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