Friday, June 18, 2010

I have a weird question about my I-pod?

Okay I recently purchased a brand new I-pod because the one I previously had broke. Since I-tunes is already installed on my computer can I use it for my new I-pod even though I installed it for my old I-pod? I%26#39;m also asking this because in the next couple months I plan on buying a new computer as well. If I use the computer I have now for my new I-pod I want to make sure I can also use my new computer when I buy it for the same I-pod. Ask me if you%26#39;re confused, its kind of hard to word this question. Thanks.


Yes you can. iTunes is compatible with any iPod. I had it installed for my mini iPod, got a 5th generation (video) iPod, and it worked fine. Just make sure to upgrade your iTunes when it asks you to in order to keep it up-to-date and faster. Yes, you can use multiple iPods, as long as you have iTunes, your good to go. yes to everythin. as long as you have itunes u can use ANY ipod. and you can use any ipod on ANY computer if you ahve itunes. :]

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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