Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have a MP4 player. How come it doesnt stay charged very long? No matter how long I charge it, it g

I charged it for a whole month and it still goes dead in five minutes.


It depends on the model of your MP4 player and the specifications attached. Check the specification as to how long is the standby time of a charged battery and how much is the playback time. A little variance is accepted and the specification mentioned is on an ideal condition which is never the case. But if variance is very high, and if your MP4 is under warranty, ask your vendor to replace the battery as it might be defective. Another case is when you buy a new MP4 player, it takes around a six to seven recharge before, your battery power starts staying longer. it might have a defective battery "i charged it a whole month" that ruins the battery

mp4 (video) players dont last long on battery 2-4 hours.

could be old, could be bad battery. well..u must have overcharged the battery or charged it too much when it didnt need to be charged..the same thing happened to me and i had to get a new battery

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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